Fiddle Leaf ( Ficus Lyrata)
Although the Monstera Deliciosa has been a popular choice among younger people for some now, the Fiddle Leaf Fig has been gaining popularity and is starting to overtake it. We won’t waste too much time on introductions because you’ve undoubtedly already seen this big-leaf beauty sweeping the internet and the world by storm. It is, without a doubt, one of the most well-liked houseplants out there. Since its recent surge in popularity among plant parents, who are opting to skip having children in favor of an oxygen-producing partner, the Fiddle Leaf Fig has coined the term “Fiddle Leaf Fig” in popular culture. It is also known by its scientific name, Ficus Lyrata.
Its enormous, violin-shaped leaves (thus the name) have made this plant a hot commodity recently. They’ve become a staple of the modern and bohemian styles that are currently dominating the interior design world, as well as the increasingly trendy industrial aesthetic.
The Ficus Lyrata can be found in a wide range of sizes and shapes, but there are essentially two distinct varieties. Fiddle Leaf Figs can be found in both the conventional tree form and the bush form. While millennials are more likely to purchase a standard tree, the bush’s fuller, leafier appearance might be just as appealing. This is because bush leaves extend to the tree’s base. Although both the tree and the bush forms are beautiful, more and more people seem to like the tree form for either the Modern or the Bohemian house design.
A further benefit of the Ficus Lyrata is that it is suitable for both novice and seasoned gardeners. Any effort put into caring for this plant will be rewarded. Take as many pictures as you like since the Ficus Lyrata is one photogenic plant that works exceptionally well in sustaining its attractive appearance in bright light. That’s why first-time plant parents shouldn’t let the plant’s maintenance requirements put them off giving it a try. Maintenance for this plant will be the same as that for your precious plants, so it will be a breeze for the pros you’ve worked with in the past. As such, let’s go right into some Ficus Lyrata maintenance tips.
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How Bright Should I Keep My Fiddle Leaf Fig?
Perhaps this is the most interesting and significant aspect of this Fiddle Leaf Fig… This infant needs a great deal of light. Providing your Fiddle Leaf Fig with enough light will ensure its survival and growth, allowing you to confidently call your indoor plant care for this plant a home run.
Your Fiddle Leaf should be situated near an easterly, southern, or western-facing window. Moreover, it does fairly well in an environment with bright ambient light. Lacking sufficient light may result in a very disappointing plant, so you should look into other solutions if you can’t give it. You should give careful consideration to the light situation before you buy a Ficus Lyrata and take on the responsibility of caring for a Fiddle Leaf Fig, as this is one of the most important aspects of Ficus Lyrata plant care next to watering.
Watering Instructions for a Ficus Lyrata
Although it’s great to hear that your Fiddle Leaf Fig can survive without water for two weeks, we still recommend checking up on it once a week for the first two months to make sure it isn’t getting too thirsty. This plant is considered a moderate to heavy drinker. Be especially vigilant in the summer when temperatures soar and your plant could easily dry out from the heat… It’s the same as for me and you! The following are some watering suggestions for your Fiddle Leaf Fig, which can be difficult to grow indoors without paying close attention.
Take care not to overwater or submerge your Ficus Lyrata, since this can kill the plant. A Soil Sleuth is an excellent tool for determining the degree of moisture present in the soil profile. With the help of a Soil Sleuth, you can acquire an accurate assessment of the soil moisture level anywhere in the planter, not just at the top or bottom.
Remember Water Note No. 2: Pay close attention to the soil moisture. Use a container with good drainage so that the soil doesn’t become so saturated with water that it harms your Fiddle Leaf Fig. To avoid underwatering your plant, make sure to water it until it begins to leak from the drainage hole in the bottom of the pot.
Conclusions about Water:
Care must be taken to avoid both underwatering and overwatering your plant. Finding the ideal middle ground is crucial.
Some probes can be inserted into the soil to determine how much water is in the ground, which is useful for determining how often plants need to be watered.
How to Provide Proper Diet for Your Fiddle Leaf Fig
Nutrition is equally important when taking care of Fiddle Leaf Fig plants. Similar to the rest of PLANTZ’s services, your new plant will thrive without any additional care for the first six months after delivery. Fertilizing it right when you obtain it is not necessary because the soil already contains the plant nutrients it needs for around six months. However, once this period has elapsed and the plant has used up the nutrients at its disposal, you will be in charge. The easiest approach to ensure that your Ficus Lyrata is getting the nutrients it needs is to feed it regularly with a “maintenance” amount of liquid fertilizer. You should try Dyna-Foliage Gro’s Pro. Observing the development of the tree’s new leaves is one technique to detect any issues with your Fiddle Leaf Fig. Remember to keep track of when you last fed your new plant, because even if you don’t see any visible warning signals, your plant may still be ready for a dose of healthy nutrients, as shown by the leaves turning yellow and veiny.
Fiddle Leaf Fig, or Ficus lyrata
Because of its unique appearance, the fiddle leaf fig has dominated the indoor plant industry for the better part of a decade. The Fiddle Leaf Fig is an instant conversation starter thanks to its large, leathery, tropical, veined, leaves that can have a shape that can resemble a fiddle (thus the name) and tree-like growing habit. When cultivated outdoors in a tropical setting, it can reach a height of 12-15m. This plant is native to the tropical rainforests of Western Africa. The Fiddle enjoys higher humidity like most tropical plants, but it can survive in less humid areas and thrives in the shadow of patios and pergolas in milder climes. There is a lot of confusion about how to properly care for this plant, even though it has risen to become a mainstay in any respectable Jungalow. So, we’re here to lend a hand and maybe clarify things. We offer these maintenance suggestions in the hopes that they prove useful.
Position and Lighting for a Ficus lyrata, or fiddle leaf fig
To thrive, fiddle leaf figs need to be placed in a spot that receives a great deal of direct sunlight. To avoid damage, keep your fiddle out of direct contact with any heating or cooling vents or vents in the house.
Ficus lyrata, or the fiddle leaf fig, requires consistent watering to thrive. Keep the soil moist, but allow it to dry out slightly in between waterings during the summer. To check this, stick your finger into the top five centimeters of the potting mix and feel the soil moisture level before watering. You should wait for it to dry for a longer period if it feels especially damp. Too much water can cause mold and rot in the roots. If you want to water once a week, you should check the soil to determine if it needs it first. In the winter, when the plant is dormant, you should water it less frequently and with lukewarm water or room temperature.
Drainage is crucial for the health of every plant. Make sure the bottom of the pot, or whatever container you’re using, has adequate drainage holes to prevent the plant’s roots from sitting in water.
Ficus lyrata, or the fiddle leaf fig, requires high levels of moisture.
Humidity is beneficial for fiddles because it prevents the leaves from drying out and browning at the tips. Grouping plants together, setting pots on a pebble tray, and, if you want to go all out, purchasing a tiny humidifier online and setting it in among your plant pals are all great ways to raise the humidity in your home.
Please note that spraying with a spray bottle will only provide a short-term solution to humidity and that doing so excessively can lead to fungal concerns. Misting is most effective when done seldom and in conjunction with other leaf-cleaning practices (mist and then gently wipe leaves with a cloth to clear away dust from the leaf surface)
Tips for Caring for a Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree (Ficus lyrata)
If dust is blocking the leaves from breathing, you can remove it by wiping the plant down with a damp cloth once a month. It’s natural for older leaves, especially those near the plant’s base, to lose their color or become brown over time. Using sharp shears or secateurs, remove any unhealthy or diseased leaves from your plant. This will allow the plant to focus its resources on producing new, stronger growth.
Advice on Decorating with Ficus Lyrata, Also Known as the Fiddle Leaf Fig
The Fiddle Leaf fig is one of the most spectacular houseplants there is. In a secluded nook, it can serve as a focal point and fill the area. Their beautiful foliage can’t be hidden, therefore it’s best displayed against a neutral background, like a white or pale pink wall. Its potential height is one reason for its widespread adoration; in its native environment, it can develop into a sizable tree (up to 15 m tall), while in an artificial environment, it can easily reach the height of your ceiling. Since they are more impressive in a larger size, we advise shelling out the extra cash for a more developed model. A 1.5-meter Fiddle in a 300-millimeter pot will run you about $100, but it will be money well spent because it will completely change the look of your room and will spare you years of tending a young plant. There are numerous forms that Fiddle Leaves can take. The majority of cultivators opt for a single-trunk plant style, however, those who like bushier plants can do so by planting numerous seeds at once (although technically multiple plants). The lower leaves of a Fiddle Leaf fig are often clipped to create a “standard,” a shape in which the tree’s trunk is on display beneath a dense sphere of foliage. Some plants will be tall and lean, while others will be bushier and break off into many twigs. There is no definitive answer here; rather, the optimal choice will rely on the specifics of your home and your tastes and preferences. You can promote new development down on the trunk by snipping the top off your violin if you want many branches to break off.
Don’t let dust collect on your fiddle leaf fig.
On the bright side, there is some excellent news about your cleaning needs… The enormous leaves of a fiddle-leaf fig tree are notoriously simple to maintain. Cleaning the leaves is as simple as wiping them down with a damp, soapy towel. Do these things regularly and avoid letting dust accumulate, as this can lead to pests and diseases in your plant. However, that is indeed the entirety of the problem! Maintain its cleanliness to protect it from pests and bacteria, but more importantly, keep it looking youthful and healthy so that your guests can’t help but fall in love with it.
Preparing to prune your Fiddle Leaf Fig?
This plant is notable for its asymmetrical growth in all dimensions. Due to the uncertainty of the plant’s future, this can be a thrilling experience for some gardeners. Pruning allows gardeners to exert more influence over their plants. By eliminating dead or unproductive branches and thinning down the living ones, you may keep your plant at a manageable size and encourage it to produce new growth.
Fiddle Leaf Figs sometimes develop brown patches, so keep an eye out for those. Brown spots on a plant could be caused by several different causes, including damage or insect problems. Keep an eye out for these signs so you can begin identifying the brown spot and implementing preventative measures.
If your plant develops a brown area, it may be the result of some sort of physical damage. These little fellas are easily startled, so proceed with caution. To minimize bruising, which manifests as brown spots on your plant, try not to move it around too much when you’re rearranging your space. Ideally, you shouldn’t move it at all once it’s been set up.
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Does Your Ficus Lyrata Have Insects?
Fiddle Leaf Figs are occasionally eaten by insects. Mealybugs, scales, mites, whiteflies, and aphids are all examples of these pests. If you take good care of your Fiddle Leaf Fig, you won’t notice many of these pests, even though they all look different and might create different difficulties for your plant. You can take extra precautions by wiping your Fig down with a moist rag dipped in soapy water. Use whatever dish detergent you already have on hand; it won’t hurt the plant and will help reduce the number of bacteria and the likelihood of creating an atmosphere that attracts pests. If you notice a bug in your home, it’s a good idea to look it up online to be sure you’re dealing with the right kind of pest, as there are numerous options for elimination. We at PLANTZ would love it if you would share a photo with us on one of our social media pages.
Fiddle Leaf Fig: A Brief History
It is believed that the Fiddle Leaf Fig first appeared on the coast of West Africa. It’s been thriving there for hundreds of thousands of years. That’s insane! This plant’s high water and light requirements are indicative of its preference for tropical rainforest settings. Members of the Moraceae plant family, of which the more well-known Fig Tree is a member, also include the Ficus Lyrata.
The Ficus Lyrata has relatively large leaves for an indoor plant, reaching a maximum width of 12 inches and a maximum length of 30 inches. Furthermore, these leaves are unrivaled by many other home plants due to their thick, leather-like texture and deep green hue. It’s simple to see why so many people have taken a liking to it and made it the latest millennial craze because of its novelty. Since it is one of the most sought-after plants on Pinterest, it has earned the nickname “Pinterest plant.” Keep up with the times and get yourself one of these trendy indoor plants as soon as possible because you won’t find another one like it.